FPS CX Services
Customer Acquisition
Nurture each lead through an efficient customer acquisition funnel to optimize the sales funnel depending on the lead and marketing source.

FPS Approach
FPS is your agile, flexible partner working with you to continuously improve omni-channel, inbound and outbound programs. To maximize LTV:CAC, we rigorously test and measure every aspect of the marketing and sales funnels to optimize with data integrity and business intelligence, and deploy efficient systems (e.g., chat, email, text and BI integrated with CRMs) bundled with high-performing sales agents.

FPS Difference
FPS leverages our deep domain expertise coupled with data-driven, actionable insights to maximize conversion and sales agent productivity to drive success for your business.
Segmented Contact Strategy:
Leads that are hot/higher intent should be contacted differently than colder leads on the outbound program to maximize contact rate for the most valuable leads
Skill-Based Routing:
Leads where the buyer has a family and might be buying the product for multiple people vs. just him/herself could be routed to different agents and/or sold slightly different packages
All of this appears in the numbers down-funnel because we could experiment with buying more expensive leads – on either the inbound or outbound programs - that have higher potential LTV and higher intent, and therefore, have higher ROI even though the marketing cost is higher.
Rigorously manage agents in a data-driven fashion to manage pipelines and call scripting, and create an engaging sales environment with leveraged compensation plans
We use the best available technology tools and deploy them in an integrated manner to ensure our agents are performing at their highest levels to drive customer satisfaction and results for your business.

Proven Results
The FPS team has a demonstrated track record of success in implementing customer acquisition strategies for multiple products and services that required a consultative, solution-oriented approach. For example, we sold Property & Casualty insurance products for nearly 20 Insurance Carriers supported by a proprietary, SaaS platform built on millions of historic customer inquiries and quotes.
Sales involved a multi-contact strategy that typically required extensive touch points across various communication channels over a 3-4 week time horizon, nurturing the “lead” from price discovery to a fully-endorsed insurance policy. In fact, this relationship often deepened over time given the focus on customer satisfaction as well as an agency compensation structure that involved retention payments as those insurance policies would renew year-over-year.

This team procured leads through a combination of online and offline channels, utilizing an analytically-driven approach to maximize LTV:CAC:
Drove LTV through improvements in customer mix and expanding cross-sales; ultimately cross-selling >50% of auto customers with a home policy
Reduced acquisition costs through marketing analytics and agent productivity / conversion rates
Improved coordination with our marketing and client partner’s Analytics teams which allowed for consistent feedback loops and improved results